Feedback and Recognition
Our primary product is a comprehensive organizational assessment based on the Baldrige Criteria that helps leaders better understand and prioritize key strengths and improvement opportunities. This assessment helps managers understand what is working well in their organizations, and what needs attention.
Organizations just beginning their performance excellence journey might want to get feedback on their Organizational Profile - and will receive recognition for their Commitment to Excellence.
More in-depth assessments result in recognition at the Achievement and Proficiency level (responding to Basic and Overall questions in the Baldrige Criteria). Our most in-depth assessment and feedback includes a 3-day site visit and an award at the bronze, silver, gold, or platinum level. Organizations that receive the Excellence award at the platinum level are invited to apply at the national level the following year.
Applications for our Excellence award must meet the same standards that apply for national applications. That is, the applications respond to all the questions posed in the full Baldrige Excellence framework document (basic, overall and multiple-level questions) for the relevant sector. Applications contain a maximum 5-page organizational profile and 50 pages to present their responses to all process and results questions.
Awards and Recognition
PiPEx Recognition for Commitment to Performance Excellence
Application Fee:
This is the beginning level for organizations interested in adopting and applying performance improvement principles. By applying for a Level 1 Recognition, an organization will learn about the Criteria and the assessment process. In addition, the organization will receive feedback that will help improve processes and propel it toward higher award levels. PiPEx offers Level 1 applicants a hands-on, coaching approach during this first step of the performance improvement journey.
Organizations can submit their organizational profile and application materials at any time of year.
They will receive a review, ending with a site visit by 1-2 PiPEx representatives to discuss their accomplishments and next steps..
Organizations that are recognized will be mentioned on the PiPEx website and can mention the award in their marketing materials.
PiPEx Recognition for Achievement
Application fee varies according to the size of applicant
It recognizes organizations that are beginning to demonstrate serious commitment to, and implementation of, performance improvement principles.
Each applicant receives a site visit from the examining team as shown in the graphic above.
Recipients of Achievement Awards have demonstrated progress by identifying and putting in place some key process improvements, which are directly attributable to a fact-based improvement process. The organization has addressed the Basic Item Requirements within each category of the Criteria. At this level, results may or may not be evident; however, a measurement system should be in place to capture data and analyze results.
This award process has an annual cycle, with statements of intent to apply generally due in May, full applications due in July, site visits during autumn, and the awards presented in late winter. Organizations who are members at the Elite or Premium level can apply at any time (see Guidelines for Applicants link on the Information for Applicants page).
Recipients of the award will receive a trophy as well as recognition on the PiPEx website and can mention the award in their marketing materials.
PiPEx Recognition for Proficiency
Application fee varies according to the size of applicant
Level 3 is an advanced level of participation. It recognizes organizations that have demonstrated, through their commitment to and practice of performance improvement principles, significant progress and results in building sound processes.
Recipients of Proficiency Awards have demonstrated significant progress in building systematic processes that effectively address the overall requirements of each item. These processes are deployed and aligned throughout the organization appropriately to meet the key needs of the organization. Results for some key processes show improvement (at least a year in most cases) that is directly attributable to a systematic improvement approach. These organizations have many practices from which other organizations can learn and grow.
Each applicant receives a site visit from the examining team.
This award process has an annual cycle, with statements of intent to apply generally due in May, full applications due in July, site visits during autumn, and the awards presented in late winter. Organizations who are members at the Elite or Premium level can apply at any time (see Guidelines for Applicants link on the Information for Applicants page).
Recipients of the award will receive a trophy as well as recognition on the PiPEx website and can mention the award in their marketing materials.
PiPEx Award for Performance Excellence
Application fee varies according to the size of applicant
The PiPEx Award for Performance Excellence may be awarded at the Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum level. The highest level of recognition is presented to organizations that have demonstrated, through their practices and achievements, the highest level of performance excellence. Organizations who receive this award are role models in our area. Success at this level is typically the result of applying feedback from previous application cycles.
The Platinum Award for Excellence recognizes organizations that have mature and fully-deployed quality systems within their operations that demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement and have a sustained significant record of performance. Organizational learning, including innovation and sharing of best practices, is a key management tool. Current performance results have been evaluated against relevant comparisons or benchmarks and show areas of favorable performance for most key customer, process and market requirements.
An application at this level requires submission of the Organizational Profile answering all questions described in the Criteria booklet (pages 4-6) and the signature of the highest ranking official, indicating his or her commitment. The application also includes a self-assessment (up to 50 pages long) detailing how the organization applies the Multiple Item Requirements of the seven categories outlined in the Criteria booklet.
Each applicant receives a site visit from the examining team. The number of site visit days and the number of Examiners depends on applicant size and other factors.
This award process has an annual cycle, with statements of intent to apply generally due in May, full applications due in July, site visits during autumn, and the awards presented in late winter. Organizations who are members at the Elite or Premium level can apply at any time (see Guidelines for Applicants link on the Information for Applicants page).
Recipients of the award will receive a trophy as well as recognition on the PiPEx website and can mention the award in their marketing materials.