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Partners in Performance Excellence is the 501(c)3 nonprofit supporting performance excellence in New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. We are the sole authorized member of the nationwide Baldrige Alliance to provide feedback and recognition leading up to the prestigious national Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.
Organizations that use Baldrige do better:
Better support for their communities
Alamo City Colleges’ community partnerships focused on promoting a better life and fighting poverty, hunger, and homelessness have helped create grants and scholarships that further strengthen the connection between the city and the colleges. The number of students awarded scholarships has increased from 580 to 2,175 and the amount awarded from $500,000 to over $2 million since 2010.
Better outcomes
Seventy percent of Tri County Tech’s high school program graduates move on to further education. Rates for completion/retention and placement for students after graduation have been in the top 25 percent nationally for eight years. The adult average wage for graduates is above the growth rate for state and national wages, increasing to $19 per hour in FY2018 compared to a state and national average of about $15 per hour.
The City of Fort Collins’ credit rating is “AAA” by Moody’s Investors Service. As a result of this rating, and a positive ratio of revenue to budget, the City’s debt obligations decreased from $119 million in 2014 to $90 million in 2016.
Better workforce engagement
Tri County Tech has been named a Fortune magazine top-50 best small/medium workplace in the nation for two straight years. Workforce climate results, especially for safety, benefits, and pay, have been consistently near or above the 95th percentile of the national GPTW survey each year from FY2014 to FY2017.
Kindred Nursing and Rehabilitation- Mountain Valley maintains a 90 percent employee retention rate, which is more than 20 percent above the national industry average. Nearly 100 percent of the workforce reports feeling encouraged to come up with new and better ways for the center to operate.
Better engagement of customers
South Central Foundation in Alaska uses information from several customer listening posts to identify changing health care needs and to look for areas of opportunity to become more focused on customers. Customer satisfaction—overall and within SCF’s medical, dental, behavioral, and Executive and Tribal Services patient segments—exceeds the national 90th percentile benchmark.
Texas’s Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center’s Inpatient overall satisfaction, overall satisfaction with outpatient primary care, and HCAHPS results remained in the top 10% nationally. Likelihood to recommend scores for their obstetrics, post-surgical, inpatient rehabilitation center each have been at or near top-10% national levels of performance.