Partners in Performance Excellence has sponsorship opportunities at our conference and at occasional other events. You can show your support of our mission by sponsoring an upcoming training event or conference.
Sponsorship Levels
Registration + $250
1 exhibit table
Listing in program
Attendee list
Silver Level Sponsor
Same as Exhibitor plus:
Public recognition from the podium
Right to feature sponsorship on your website
Your name, logo and link on our website
Your name and logo on our conference publicity and materials
1 free admission to conference
¼ page ad in conference program book
Third in line for choice of exhibit table location
Gold Level Sponsor
Same as Silver Level Sponsor with these additional benefits:
2 free admissions to the conference (instead of 1)
1/2 page ad in the conference program book (instead of 1/4 page)
Seond in line for choice of exhibit table location
NOTE: Other combinations of benefits of equal or lesser value can be negotiated by arrangement with the Executive Director.
Become a Sponsor
To become a sponsor contact us.